Primary Program

2.5 to 6 years of age

Full Day (8:30am to 2:00pm)

Half Day (8:30am to 12:30pm)

We offer primary program for children as young as 2.5 years through their kindergarten year (age 6). This program is designed to be a 3 year program composed of children 2.5 to six years.

In this setting the children respect each other's work and personal space. The classroom is divided into four main areas:


Our academic curriculum is enriched by art, music, gardening, movement experiences and mindfulness.

Children are immersed in English and Spanish througout the day. In order for your child to truly gain all of the Montessori benefits, it is necessary to stay three years in a Montessori environment.

Your child's first year in the classroom is one of exploration and adaptation where he/she will receive various one-on-one lessons supporting concentration, order, self-discipline and social interaction.

During the second year of Montessori education, we will encourage your child to explore his/her environment more independently. Since he/she has more confidence and is able to work for longer periods of time.

During the third year all of the experiences are synthetisized. Your child solidifies and really understands all the knowledge he/she has been abosorbing and he/she becomes the example for other younger children to follow.


These exercises develop skills in caring for one's self, others and the environment. We prepare many materials that children see as part of their daily routine in their home. A main purpose of these activities is to aid the child in his development of muscular coordination, skills of independence, concentration and focus. Some examples are washing windows, washing tables, sweeping, mopping, cutting with scissors, cutting bananas, pouring water, sewing buttons, to mention a few.


These materials promote the development of the senses. Children develop cognitive skills by learning to order and classify their impressions through activities in touch, sight, taste, smell, listening and exploring the physical properties of their environment.


These materials build skills in analyzing sounds in a word, preparing the hand for writing, laying a foundation in phonetic skills to prepare the child for reading.


These materials help children learn and understand abstract mathematical concepts through the use of concrete, manipulative materials, gaining a solid foundation in mathematical principles, preparing them for abstract reasoning, and helping them to develop solving skills.